Methods of accessing the sales office
Sales Office
- 21, D'Aquino St., 74123 Taranto
- 099 452.67.85
- 331 148.68.48
07:30 am to 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
07:30 to 12:30
07:30 am to 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
07:30 am to 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
07:30 to 12:30
Inoltre viene prevista in via straordinaria, l’apertura dell'Ufficio Vendite dalle 07:30 alle 12:30 nelle giornate di Sabato che cadono nei primi tre giorni o negli ultimi tre giorni del mese: |
Le prossime straordinarie del sabato saranno: 04/01/2025 - 01/02/2024 (NB 25 e 26 Dicembre, 01 e 06 Gennaio l'ufficio sarà chiuso ) |
Sostituisci i biglietti del trasporto di KYMA fuori corso |
Cerca Oggetti Smarriti |
A – Access to the office inside could only happen with a mask and after disinfecting the hands with appropriate hand sanitizer and/or the gel dispenser located at the entrance. Anyone inside the office, must keep a safe distance and behave as expected to contain the risk of contagion.
B – Access shall be regulated in such a way as to allow for the simultaneous presence of up to ten users in the waiting room, in addition to those already received at the counters.
C – Use of toilets is not allowed to the public.
D – The people in excess of the limits allowed inside the offices shall wait outside the office in a orderly line (in chronological order of arrival). The public still present outside past closing time will not be served.
E – In order to limit possible inconveniences, and to better distribute public attendance throughout the day, an online access reservation system is established. The public will be able to book an appointment through the WEB (including via smartphone), simply by logging in without any registration (it is only necessary to provide an e-mail address and a cell phone number), at the page below. Users with reservations, will receive a SMS and e-mail confirmation . With this reservation, to be shown to the security guard on duty, they will acquire the right to enter the office immediately, as soon as the limitations indicated in point B allow, and without respecting the chronological order of arrival as for point D.